I Scream Social

I Scream Social

It’s an early morning and while I am still preoccupied with getting ready for my day job, I’ve got a couple of extra minutes today. So rather than spend it all browsing social media, I figured I’d make a short post about it.

This past week, the Meta platform ‘Threads’ launched and garnered a great deal of attention as it instantly sucked up millions of users. Me too. Despite getting a bit fatigued with adopting yet another new social media space, I got in and staked my claim. I would link to my profile here, but I can’t. It doesn’t have a desktop version and I certainly don’t blog from my phone. It also doesn’t have hashtags… or direct messaging. Meta launched it before it was mostly functional. They look like they wanted to capitalize on the recent news that Twitter was temporarily throttling post reads on that platform.

Still, we’ve been down this road before. Since the Elon Musk takeover of Twitter, people have leapt at any sign of faltering there and lunged at any new offering that might retain the semblance of the political safe space they had enjoyed up until now–even if it meant fleeing one billionaire by running into the arms of another. I’ve tried Mastodon, and before this period of dramatic churn, I had even looked at hosting an instance on one of the websites I run. But with the anti-Elon flood as its prime engine now, it is easy to see that you require more than spite to build a community. I tried Minds, also. I had some friendly interactions there, but mostly from welcoming people apologizing for the type of people I would ultimately encounter on their platform. (It’s not been so bad, yet, and I do like it a bit, even though I’ve fallen off posting. Threads feels like a bust for me, though. It’s getting to be too many.

You can scroll down my link tree and check out my social media platforms if you want to see where I am at. You’ll find it here. Nonetheless, all of these shifts in the Internet landscape of Canada have made me happy that I have my own website. I’ve been busy and I have some new developments to share in the near future. I will endeavour to do so here more regularly. For now, and the foreseeable future, this is the sturdiest place for me to pin my posts and let readers know what’s going on.

Now, if I could only turn commenting back on and not be bombarded by spam posts, we could have a real conversation…