Halfway to Kramwen

Halfway to Kramwen

We’re into the final month of 2022 and I had the joy of surpassing my original writing goal for the year and now hitting my revised target. My hope was to have the first draft of the sequel to ‘Crown of Caphedra’ half-completed and I achieved that over the past weekend.

The beauty of it is that ‘Kings of Kramwen’ has now reached the meaty middle and it becomes a much faster write. The action has picked up, the story is entrenched, and all the building blocks are laid that lead to the rapidly escalating plot points. There are over three more weeks to go before the new year–including full vacation days for me–so I anticipate making a significant foray into the second half before year’s end.

In the meantime, the featured image here is an old one, but it captures my ever-present tiredness at pounding the keyboard. It’s a portrait of me from about 2008-ish, back when I used to smoke, part of a series of unflattering depictions of me, painted by my incredibly talented artist wife.