Vernal Voyages

Vernal Voyages

This spring has been a busy season for me, so I apologize that I left the Christmas lights of my last post up on my recent website posts for so long. If it’s any consolation, I still have Christmas lights up on my house in real life.

Like a lot of writers, I have another day job and mine is the type that I go away for extended periods sometimes. I did that this spring and I am about to do so again. It allowed me some time to write, undistracted, however. I also garnered some inspiration by travelling to the Caribbean for a week. You’ll see that in the picture that goes with this post. It’s not immediately relevant to my ongoing projects but I’ve always had some ideas in the back of my mind for a colonial-era piece of historical fantasy. My trip to Santo Domingo helped stoke that.

I’ll leave you with the promise that updates are coming. Kings of Kramwen is in the home stretch. I promised my family I wouldn’t do any actual writing when I was on vacation, but since then I’ve hit some major milestones and am just a few thousand words short of finishing the first draft. Expect the novel this fall, and make sure you pick up Crown of Caphedra with enough time to read through beforehand.